

We are a private non-equity membership Club.  Those interested in inquiring about membership in the Club should contact any member or the Membership Committee Chair at lizzie06@optonline.net

Applications for Membership

Individuals seeking membership need to submit a membership application and the written support of three sponsors. The Membership Committee would be pleased to assist potential new members in developing sponsorship relationships with existing Club members. 

A copy of the Club's Membership Application can be found here - Membership Application.

Classes of Membership

We have two basic classes of Membership:  Regular and House. Regular members have full dining privileges and unlimited use of all sports facilities. House members have full dining privileges and may use the sports facilities on a limited basis and upon the payment of a daily use fee.

All Club privileges conferred on a member are equally conferred on his or her domestic partner. Privileges are also conferred on unmarried children of members who are 30 years old and younger.  Grandchildren of Regular members, under the age of 12, when escorted by the member, also have Club privileges.

Fees and Dues

A schedule of fees and dues is available from the Club Office. 
